1. To promote and develop modern concepts relating to safety and technology in manufacture, handling and usage of explosives.
  2. To assist the Government of India through its appointed Departments and officials in recommending and formulating policies pertaining to explosives manufacture, handling and usage.
  3. To hold seminars, workshops, conferences to promote interaction between the three constituents, Viz., the Government Regulatory Bodies, the Manufacturers of explosives and the Users of explosives, in the interest of growth and health of the explosives industry.
  4. To collaborate with academic and research institutions in promoting the objectives mentioned above.
  5. To promote and strengthen affiliation with other similar institutions globally dealing with explosives safety and technology for exchange of information, for example, accidents  reports and data on accidents involving explosives in India, so that the Indian scenario benefits from relevant accident prevention techniques and newer safety concepts from around the world.
  6. To create a data bank by collecting information and data pertaining to explosives  world wide, for dissemination and keeping the industry abreast of the latest trends.
  7. To institute awards, fellowships and scholarships for the excellence in the field of explosives.